Strengthening Peace Education, Mosque Digital Programs and Media Literacy: Review of Menara Kudus Official YouTube Channel


  • Ahmad Fatah Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kudus


Media Literacy, Menara Kudus Mosque, Peace Education, Youtube Channel


The purpose of this study is to determine the strengthening of peace education and media literacy on the Menara Kudus mosque's digital channel program. This research is a qualitative approach. The primary data source is from informants, namely the Menara Kudus youtube channel manager, the public relations team and viewers; secondary data sources from references relevant to the topic. The data analysis technique uses descriptive analysis techniques. The results of this study contain three aspects, first, the Menara Kudus youtube channel program contains content on peace values and religious culture that are favored by netizens. This is proven by subscribers reaching 109,000, the number of videos 1,509 and total views 13,705,228. Second, this mosque digital program is a manifestation of the role and contribution of religion in spreading Islamic values and teachings that are rahmah and harmony of society. Third, media literacy based on the mosque's digital program is managed continuously and in line with the culture of the Nusantara community and the basic values of Sunan Kudus' teachings on tolerance and harmony. This study contributes to the role of mosques and religions in strengthening and realizing peace education, tolerance and community harmony through media literacy.





