Implementation of the Hijrah Mubaligh in moral learning at the AsySyifa' Islamic Boarding School Muhammadiyah Bantul Yogyakarta


  • A. A. M. Billah Ahmad Dahlan University
  • Burhanudin Ata Gusman Ahmad Dahlan University
  • Djamaluddin Perawironegoro Ahmad Dahlan University


Hijrah Mubaligh, Learning Implementation, Morals


The aim of this research is to determine the implementation of moral learning in the
hijrah missionary program. This research is descriptive qualitative research. Research
Results: There are three programs for the hijrah missionary program, namely PWM affiliated
hijrah preachers, request hijrah preachers and Islamic boarding school hijrah preachers. The
implementation is carried out in the month of Rahmadhan for 25 days. Before the activity,
students will be selected to take part in three hijrah missionary programs. In the process
there is provision carried out during the month of Ramadan. Implementation of moral
learning for the hijrah missionary program in learning using lecture, discussion and question
and answer methods. The religious material itself includes Habitus (everyday habits) (moral
habits) which are usually included in the rhetorical material of da'wah, more specifically
orally for how to communicate good da'wah. Da'wah rhetoric is a branch of communication
science that discusses how to convey messages to other people through the art of speaking
so that our messages can be received.





