Developing Pop Up Book to Improve Mufrodat Learning of Student in Junior High School
Pop Up Book, Mufrodat LearningAbstract
Mufrodat learning is one of the most important elements in learning Arabic, although it is not part of the four language skills, but it is a most important component in helping to the skills. The problems faced by teachers are very complex. The problem is influenced by a number of factors, one of which is the lack of a customized learning medium used by a teacher. To overcome this, in this study, researchers developed a learning medium in the form of pop-up books of school. This research aims 1) to describe the developing pop up book to improve mufrodat learning of student 2) to find out whether the developing pop up book learning media is effectif to improve mufrodat learning in terms of vlidity, practicality and effectiveness of the media. This type of research is Research and Development using the ADDIE development model, with its steps of analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. This development research is aimed at improving the mastery of Arabic language in school by students of the 7th grade of Umar Zahid school. As for the data-gathering techniques in this study, observation, interview, questionnaire, test, and documentation. The results of the research from the product validity level data are 94% validation of designers with valid qualifications and no need for revision. Validation of material/learning media validators with a validity rate of 88% with valid qualifying and does not need to be revised. The results of the analysis showed that t hitung > t table with a probability value of 5,674 > 2,093, then it can be concluded that there are significant differences associated with the improvement of student's mastery of data. The data obtained from this study shows that this developmental research has been shown to improve student mastery with a score of 87.5% for small group trials with excellent qualifications and 88.7% for large groups with excellent qualifying.