The Ethical Value of Independent Learning in Modern Indonesian Literature: A Model of Character Transformation in Literature Entering the Curriculum
Ethic values, Novel, Independent learning, Literature entering curriculumAbstract
This study examines the ethical values in contemporary Indonesian literature and their model
in shaping character education integrated curriculum trough literature. It focuses on selected
works by national authors, particularly Pramoedya Ananta Toer's novels "Keluarga Gerilya" (1955)
and "Cerita Dari Blora" (1952). These novels serve as foundational concepts for interpreting the
freedom to learn philosophy, aiming to model curriculum development linked with the
independent curriculum concept in character development. This study used a qualitative design
and literature review, with data sourced from the words, phrases, and sentences in the two novels.
Content analysis techniques and ATLAS.ti version 9 software ensured data reliability. Content
analysis revealed that both novels exhibit ethical values such as affection, independence, honesty,
good manners, simplicity, physical and mental health, patriotism, cooperation, rationality, and
community spirit.
Integrating novels into the curriculum represents a form of literature teaching that
emphasizes not only textual analysis but also the creation of a learning community to foster
character development among students. Ethics education within the freedom to learn framework is
rooted in indigenous ethics, serving as the primary foundation for cultivating the desired character.
This approach should be integrated into the curriculum through literature, enriching character
education and fostering a comprehensive understanding of ethical values in contemporary
Indonesian literature. The research underscores the importance of Indonesian identity, character
education, and the resultant social benefits.