The Influence of E-Service Quality and E-Trust on E-Commerce User Loyalty Shopee in Generation-Z in The City of Mataram
E-Service Quality, E-Trust, Loyalitas E-CommerceAbstract
Purpose — The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of e-service quality and e-trust on shopee e-commerce user loyalty in generation-z in Mataram City.
Method — This research uses quantitative research methods, with data collection methods using Likert scale questionnaires. The techniques used in data collection are observation and questionnaire (questionnaire). The data analysis techniques used by researchers are Validity Test, Reability Test, Classical Assumption Test, Hypothesis Test (T Test and F Test), and Multiple Linear Regression.
Result — The results of this study indicate that the variable e-service quality variable has a significant effect on e-commerce user loyalty shopee in generation-z, with a value of 0.522 <0.05. Meanwhile, the etrust variable has a positive and significant effect on shopee ecommerce user loyalty in the z-generation, with a value of 0.412 <0.05.
Novelty — This research focuses on e-service quality and e-trust in shoppee users, which we know that the interest in shopping online has increased since Covid hit and the limited literature on e-trust and e-service quality has made researchers interested in conducting this research.