Bridging Islamic Economics and Environmental Conservation: an Investigation into the Financial Viability of Waqf Forest


  • Hari Candra Lecturer at Department of Shariah Economics, Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business State Islamic University (UIN) Imam Bonjol Padang, West Sumatera, Indonesia



Waqf Forests, Financial Viability, Innovative Financial Models, Islamic Economics, Environmental Concervation


Purpose This paper delves into the conceptual of waqf forest conservation and forest landscape restoration, exploring novel financial mechanisms that can ensure their long-term sustainability.

Method The study sources data from a variety of secondary sources, including books, scholarly articles, and online resources to thoroughly review and synthesize current knowledge in these areas.

Result Our analysis underscores the potential of various mechanisms, such as crowdfunding, impact investment, and partnerships with financial institutions, to mobilize financial resources, diversify funding avenues, and attract socially responsible investors towards waqf forest restoration efforts. These mechanisms, by offering innovative financial models, address key challenges including limited funding, financial viability, community engagement, complex legal frameworks, and sustainable revenue generation. The paper argues that the incorporation of these solutions into waqf forest initiatives can surmount these barriers and pave the way for effective and sustainable forest landscape restoration.

Novelty Our study contributes to a broader understanding of potential financial strategies approach applicable to waqf forests, advocating for their preservation and consequently contributing to more extensive forest landscape restoration efforts.


