Exploring the Nexus of Strategic Agility and the Moderating Role of Halalpreneurship Competence in the Performance of Indonesian Halal Industry Msmes.


  • Helmalia Srudent of the Doctoral Program in Management Science, Faculty of Economic and Business, Padang State Univerity, Indonesia
  • Erni Masdupi Faculty of Economy and Business, Padang State University, Indonesia
  • Rosyeni Rasyid Faculty of Economy and Business, Padang State University, Indonesia




Strategic Agility, Halalpreneurship Competence, MSMEs Performance, Halal Industry


Purposes This study aims to explore the relationship between strategic agility and halal industry MSMEs performance through moderating role of halalpreneurship competence. The dynamic business environments have led MSMEs in the halal industry to adapt rapidly their agility on improving performance in order to achieve competitive advantage by relying on halalpreneurship competence to meet consumer demand for halal products.

Methods The study population focuses on MSME actors in the halal food and beverage industry with halal certification in Indonesia, encompassing a sample of 300 respondents. The statistical method for testing hypotheses in this study was used structural equation modelling (SEM) AMOS 24.0.

Results The result found that there was a significant influence of strategic agility on halal industry MSMEs performance and halalpreneurship competence. Moreover, halalpreneurship competence had a significant moderating role in improving the relationship between strategic agility and halal industry MSMEs Performance.

Novelty In an age where consumers are increasingly discerning about halal standards, MSMEs need to bolster consumer trust by blending in-depth sharia knowledge with business agility, giving them a competitive advantage.


