Digital Transformation and The impact on Digital Marketing in Industry Finance, Economics , and Tourist


  • Arini Adeliya Ramadini State University of Malang
  • Sugeng Hadi Utomo State University of Malang
  • Imam Mukhlis State University of Malang
  • Agung Nugroho State University of Malang


Digital Marketing, Digital Transformation, Industry Finance


Purpose — Article This aim For give understanding more about importance adapt with fast with development digital technology in guard Power competitive and desire in industry finance, economics, and tourist.

Method — This study use review References. Method observation literature covers investigation , analysis , and synthesis information from source relevant literature with topic research, like article journals, books, reports research, documents official , and other sources available give understanding deep about deep digital transformation digital economy

Result — This study shows impact from exists deep digital transformation sector finance,economics, and tourist. Based on findings the researcher give possible innovation used in utilise digital technology in industry finance, economics, and tourist

Novelty — This study not yet once done previously because novelty method and technique analysis of the data used, so possible results study this give description how digital transformation can change growth economy through three sector namel, finance, economics, and tourist.


