Digital Marketing Strategy in Increasing Productivity of The Finance, Economy and Tourism Industry Post Covid 19


  • Chudzaifah State University of Malang
  • Agung Nugroho State University of Malang
  • Sugeng Hadi Utomo State University of Malang


Digital marketing, Productivity, SEM


Purpose This article aims to provide a deeper understanding of how digital marketing strategies can increase the productivity of the financial, economic and tourism industries after Covid-19.

Method This research uses the library research method or library study with data collection techniques through scientific journals, books and other materials related to the topic discussed.

Result The results of this research show various digital marketing strategies that can potentially increase the productivity of the financial, economic and tourism industries after Covid-19. Based on the findings, researchers concluded that Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and social media can have a positive influence on the productivity of the financial, economic and tourism industries after the pandemic.

Novelty This study has never been carried out before because of the novelty and data analysis techniques used, so it is possible that the results of this study provide an overview of how digital marketing strategies through Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and social media can have a positive influence on the productivity of the financial, economic and tourism industries after pandemic.


